Engineering & Construction

Versamet Royalties


  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Hosting & Maintenance

About the Company

Founded by Sandstorm Gold Royalties and Equinox Gold, Versamet Royalties (formerly Sandbox Royalties) is a metals royalty company focused on industry-advancing metals, sustainability-friendly materials and prosperity-driving investment assets.

  • Create a fully responsive solution backed by WordPress CMS
  • Implement strong investor and press release areas to drive trust and credibility
  • Build SEO foundations to increase search engine traffic and drive future growth
  • Increase brand equity and online reach through branded storytelling
  • Drive conversion of site visitors into contacts and, ultimately, investors


Organic Search Traffic




Since Launch
Faster Page Loads




Since Launch


Versamet Royalties holds dozens of royalties including gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, plus access to technical and financial expertise within the industries. They required an informative website to launch into the market that was neither grand nor complex in size, design, or structure.

With an intention for growth in royalty and stream acquisitions as well as attaining a public listing within 12 months, investors were a major focus of consideration in the user experience and web design stages. A unique result in the UX was our custom table-based presentation of their royalties, with sorting and filtering options plus links to additional detail pages as desired.



Versamet Royalties’ primary brand colours consist of pickled bluewood, snow drift grey and solitude (light) blue. Working with their palette, we presented their company on a bold, visual interface, accented with bold typography and the stark, industry-familiar colours that keep their company front-of-mind.

Phase 3

Bringing it All Together

The brand new Versamet Royalties website boasts featured assets, investor presentations, interactive mapping, and news, plus custom-built stock and precious metals tickers on the homepage for up-to-date market information in real-time. Built on our powerful proprietary WordPress site builder plugin, Refoundry, the site is positioned to keep investors and the general public up-to-date, involved and informed.

Whether visitors are looking to explore producing royalties, development royalties, or engage in partnership opportunities on future acquisitions, this website is the golden ticket.

View Finished Site

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