Travel & Tourism

Kitimat Bound


  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
tourism web design case study

About the Organization

Kitimat Bound provides tourists and locals with a wealth of helpful information about the exciting adventures, work opportunities, and lifestyle waiting for them in Kitimat, B.C.

  • Significantly improve overall aesthetic and user experience and to make the site more engaging
  • Improve site architecture and navigation to enable easier browsing and a more frictionless experience
  • Drive site conversion of users into contacts as visitors, job seekers, and residents
  • Build on SEO foundations to increase search engine traffic and drive future growth
  • Implement a fully responsive solution backed by
  • WordPress CMS for easier content management


Organic Search Traffic




Since Launch




Since Launch
Mobile Traffic




Since Launch
Phase 1


We love helping communities with their workforce and resident attraction programs! The old tourism website for Kitimat did nothing for promoting the municipality’s breathtaking natural beauty. They needed a fresh web design to weave stronger visual storytelling into a rebrand.

The focus of this website redesign was on emphasizing their striking photo and video content, while creating a highly searchable user experience for multiple audiences.

Phase 2


Rebrands are fun because we get to design a whole new look and feel. The purpose of this site is to encourage people to explore travel or moving opportunities to Kitimat, so we designed for big photos and enticing CTAs. The cool earth tones echo their story of adventures in pristine nature.

Phase 3

Bringing it All Together

The new Kitimat Bound website is so exciting that it can make almost anyone’s surroundings look dull – it certainly did for our team while we worked on it. It has enticing navigation options to help visitors find content about travel, employment, moving, and even the area’s cultural history. In their first month post-launch, the new site was already boasting a 10% conversion rate and earning 52% of its traffic from organic search.

View Finished Site

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