Travel & Tourism

Tourism Cowichan


  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design

About the Organization

The Tourism Cowichan Society is a destination management organization that supports and contributes to a sustainable future for tourism businesses in the region. Their focus is on data-informed, regional marketing campaigns, industry development, and destination management.

  • Improve regional storytelling through a fresh UI design
  • Improve site architecture and navigation to encourage content discovery
  • Build on SEO foundations to increase search engine traffic and drive future growth
  • Implement a fully responsive solution backed by WordPress CMS for easy content management
  • Ensure overall site experience and technical implementation is in line with latest accessibility requirements


The Cowichan region of British Columbia is stunning, and deserves a website experience to match! We were engaged to help Tourism Cowichan revitalize their site, and bring out the stories that make Cowichan so appealing to visitors from around the world.

The big focus was on content discovery, because this site is all about drumming up excitement in travelers and sending them to local businesses. We wanted to make it easy to browse the site looking for trip-planning inspiration, but just as easy to quickly find businesses of a specific type. This required a strong architecture with emphasis on featured and related content.



We love working on tourism sites because their branding and photography is such a treat, and Cowichan’s was truly dazzling. Our job was to create designs to support the stories in their photos, and we did that through spacious pages, vibrant colours, and playful typography.

Phase 3

Bringing it All Together

The new Tourism Cowichan site is earthy and warm, natural and intimate – just like the communities. It does a great job of bringing the region’s personality to life, drawing visitors in through its strong visual appeal. The site was also built on our proprietary site builder plugin, Refoundry. Its code is impressively lightweight for such a complex site, and it’s significantly more flexible and easy to manage for their team.

View Finished Site

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