Research & Education

ISS Language and Career College


  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
  • Web Hosting & Maintenance

About the Organization

The Language and Career College of BC (LCC) provides English and career programs for domestic and international students. LCC is a division of the Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISSofBC), a non-profit organization helping immigrants and refugees build futures in Canada.

  • Revisit content organization for core content: Programs & Services
  • Increase priority of Resources, Events, Job Application and Job Board for greater visibility
  • Improve usability of the Events Calendar to support increasing number of events to be displayed
  • Create additional opportunities for deeper storytelling
  • Reorganize and expand the current Blog to support increased content production for more accessible browsing and searching
  • Implement global search with a relevant results engine
  • Build on SEO foundations to increase search engine traffic and drive future growth


We had previously worked with LCC’s parent organization, ISSofBC, and our goals here were very similar: to achieve a polished, welcoming website with clear paths for various audiences to find desired language programs and services.

This website redesign was driven by the necessity to boost search visibility all of LCC’s available course and program content, while retaining ISSofBC’s established authority. The program content needed better filtering for student and employer visitors, and the design needed to help those audiences further explore areas designed for their current learning levels.



LCC already had their branding locked down, but we had an opportunity to significantly improve their site’s visual experience. Photos of smiling, engaged students welcome visitors across the site, while bright and complementary shades of LCC’s logo colours make call-outs and image overlays stand out. Elsewhere, subtle logo overlays tie the site theme together.

Phase 3

Bringing it All Together

The new LCC website is a more browsable and much better organized experience. The main menu features a drop-down language selector for easy on-page translation, while a custom navigation menu highlights programs and courses by category. A powerful program-finder quiz guides students to comprehensive landing pages with videos, neatly housed price structures, entrance requirements, and learning outcomes. The custom-made online English assessment form is given site-wide prominence, application information is helpfully broken into clear steps, and employer-specific testing programs have their own spot in the menu next to student courses.

View Finished Site

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