
  • Custom WordPress
  • User Experience Design
  • Web Design
  • Brand Strategy

About the Organization

MISIM helps companies unlock potential for growth and profitability through simulation modelling, meticulously crafting digital twins of real-world processes.

  • Establish and document a cohesive brand strategy
  • Drive conversion of site visitors into contacts and, ultimately, clients
  • Implement a search-friendly blog to drive brand storytelling, engagement, and SEO
  • Implement conversion-boosting case studies to showcase credibility and expertise
  • Establish SEO foundations to increase search engine traffic and drive future growth
  • Implement a fully responsive solution backed by WordPress CMS


Organic Search Traffic




First Month Post-Launch
New Users




First Month Post-Launch
Engagement Rate



First Month Post-Launch


We love a new kind of challenge, and MISIM came to us with a great one. Even though their team has 50+ years of combined experience and together had already driven massive success for their first client, they didn’t have a website – or a brand strategy.

We needed to structure and prototype a site for content that didn’t yet exist, meanwhile working with them to identify and document their brand. And to top it all off, their work is incredibly complex, so we needed to create a content strategy that would clearly tell their story and communicate their offering across the site.



Once we ran through a brand workshop together to identify their key traits, goals, and values, we worked with MISIM on a palette. Nobody could have predicted the bold, bright colours and gradients that would become their design! We also wanted to create an appealing aesthetic that wouldn’t rely on photography, as that wasn’t something they could support.

Phase 3

Bringing it All Together

The new MISIM website makes a powerful impact from the moment you land on any of its pages. We crafted fun hover effects and reveals for buttons and tiles, scroll animations, and an engaging feature video background. We can’t stop looking at it! Most importantly, it’s clear to the reader exactly what they offer, and their impressive capabilities. The site was also built on our proprietary site builder plugin, Refoundry, making it much more flexible and easy to manage for their team.

View Finished Site

Related Case Studies

Check out more of our web design case studies, to see the results we’ve helped our clients achieve.

Professional Services

Taylor Ryan

Taylor Ryan is experiencing rapid growth, and their old website was lagging behind. They needed a full redesign to deepen their service content for SEO, while making the site easier to update as their locations and teams expand.

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+44 %

Organic Search Traffic
Professional Services

Western Stevedoring

We crafted a new website structure and design for Western Group and its two divisions. The new sites are straightforward for their customers to use, while broadening their company story.

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