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Built With Refoundry
Blenz needed a fresh new website to reflect their updated branding, and to help customers more easily find their way to online orders, app downloads, and perks.
Keep ReadingSouthern Explorations is a travel company specializing in Latin American destinations. Their team of experts is passionate about exploring, guiding, studying and experiencing the destinations they offer, so they can help customers build custom itineraries for their dream adventures.
Southern Explorations has a long-standing history of travel industry excellence, and needed their website to live up to that reputation. The biggest challenge was always going to be the massive volume of content relating to their itineraries.
We needed a strong information architecture to map all of the necessary content relationships that would help people move through the site. Taxonomies and post types were a critical hidden part of the site’s frontend success.
The redesign was a great opportunity for a light refresh of the site’s look and feel. Increasing the size and use of gorgeous travel photos was a given. We also added more earthy tones to their palette, and increased the use of bright, bold colours to evoke the vibrancy of Latin American countries. The angularity of the new typography is both structured and adventurous.
The new Southern Explorations website is an exciting visual experience, and a testament to their credibility and expertise. But most importantly, it’s also incredibly easy to browse and search. We engineered new, advanced filters for our Refoundry site builder product during the course of this project, giving travellers a straightforward interface for the many taxonomies that organize the itineraries.
Check out more of our web design case studies, to see the results we’ve helped our clients achieve.
Blenz needed a fresh new website to reflect their updated branding, and to help customers more easily find their way to online orders, app downloads, and perks.
Keep ReadingAxis Insurance needed an all-new website to support a huge rebrand. The goal was to launch a visually powerful site that would significantly improve usability, navigation, and showcasing their specialized expertise.
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